Cost of WWII


World War II's basic statistics qualify it as by far the most costly war in history in terms of human and material resources expended. In terms of money spent"

World War II's basic statistics qualify it as by far the most costly war in history in terms of human and material resources expended. In terms of money spent, it has been estimated at more than $1 trillion, more than all other wars combined. The human cost, not including more than 5 million Jews killed in the Holocaust, is estimated at 55 million dead—25 million of those military and 30 million civilian. The human cost of the war fell heaviest on the USSR, where more than 20 million were killed. The Allied military and civilian losses were 44 million; those of the Axis, 11 million. In terms of global politics, the most significant casualty was the world balance of power. Britain, France, Germany, and Japan ceased to be great powers in the traditional military sense, leaving only two, the United States and the USSR.